2024 UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination

Josué Manuel Gutiérrez Condor

He studied Law at the University of Huánuco and has over 20 years of experience in government management, public policy, results-based budgeting, judicial administration systems, and parliamentary and constitutional affairs. Additionally, he has an exemplary track record in business consulting and holds a completed master’s degree in Marketing and International Business from the National University Federico Villareal. He is also a member of the Bar Association of Huánuco. Among his main achievements are: serving as an advisor to the Justice and Human Rights Commission of the Congress of the Republic, advisor and coordinator for the Perú Libre parliamentary group, and Member of Congress during the 2011–2016 term. He was Vice President of the Regional Government of Huánuco in 2010, Regional Counselor for the Regional Government of Huánuco between 2007–2010, and Councilman for the Provincial Municipality of Ambo during the 1996–1998 term. He also worked in the private sector as a corporate law advisor at GYT Global Consulting S.A.C.